a cherished woman's guide to an abundantly joyful life x
show me the goods 🤩

aloha, sweet loves
my name is sufey — i'm a devoted wife,
a worldschooling mama of two darling babes,
and an ever-evolving artist at heart.
i left home and began traveling the world solo at fourteen,
apprenticing with incredible shamans, gurus,
and energy healers across the globe.
since then, i've expanded upon the profound experiences
i've had and created a growing body of work that
illuminates the core energetics beneath what
we can see as surface level manifestation.
i had a dream this morning that guided me to open
up my works in this way, for the first time ever...
to make these teachings accessible in a
way it has never been before.

the guides below contain
the deeper energetic codes
that have allowed me to:
⟢ exude beauty, grace, and creative prowess in all that i am:
to live a life of poetry, delicious eroticism, deep reverence
to all beings, liberated intuition, and devotion to God.
⟢ magnetize and keep the most beautiful, loving marriage,
where i feel fully supported, provided for and cherished by
my King. we are eight years in and deeper in love than ever!

⟢ give birth in 'the gentlest way possible'
(according to my midwife) and receive deep
care and nourishment to fully heal my body while
setting a blissful foundation for my baby's life.
⟢ mother in a way that is so relaxed and joyful,
where secure attachment is celebrated, my children
are a pure delight, and our days are filled
with connection and wonder.
⟢ create only in ways that feel inspired and playful,
and slowly grow multi-six figure businesses that
honor my cyclic nature, my feminine intuition,
and my need for seasons of deep rest.
⟢ prioritize my health and happiness every single day:
to savor the soft and sensual pleasure of my body,
to glow with joy and radiance, to share
a vibrant life with my children.
⟢ be held by a village of sisters who deeply
support me through all stages and seasons of life,
celebrating me in full appreciation and glory,
and tending to me lovingly when i am in need.
⟢ heal intergenerational wounds & fully repair
with my mother, father, elders, and ancestors,
coming back to my rightful place as their
divine child and beloved daughter.
⟢ 'manifest' my dream home, my dream marriage,
my dream family, my dream lifestyle, and my dream
community. i have everything my heart ever
desired and it all begins with energy. x
everything i embody and experience every day
of my life... is fully available to you too.

i have three bodies of work that i released live over
the past three years — and these containers have been
intentionally closed for some time. but i have been guided
to re-open them for one sacred year during
the liminal space of my postpartum.
my heart & soul has been poured into these teachings—
and i pray they will serve you as joyfully & abundantly
as these energetic codes have deeply served me.

*only available thru my postpartum period — regularly $999
*only available thru my postpartum period — regularly $999
*only available thru my postpartum period — regularly $999

what students say
lovenotes from the 800+ sisters around the world who received these transmissions live

Wow where to even begin!
Everything offered in érōs was so rich and deep, like layers and layers of wisdom and knowledge being shared in such clear and understandable ways. I loved getting to listen and absorb the replays.
I know when I saw érōs advertised that I just needed to sign up. I wasn't even sure exactly what I was going in for or what would come from it but I knew it was the right time for me. And it 100% was in so many more ways than I could have imagined. I am sure I will be digesting and integrating this for quite some time.
I felt it cracked open my self awareness to another stage, also how different men and women are and how much I've been approaching my relationship from my masculine. I also feel I can see so much more what my partner brings to this relationship (if I can allow myself to receive it!)
I loved how warm, understanding and clear Sufey’s advice and support is. I felt deeply heard, safe and supported.
I found it so helpful to hear different women’s questions and life stories along with how this work specifically relates to their situations. I'm just so thankful for this whole experience, I know it will be one that just keeps on giving.
— Kalina Suter | Edinburgh, Scotland

It’s hard to convey the feeling of total trust, sweet surrender, and boundless love that this circle is. Women sharing their heartfelt desires, their vulnerable weaknesses, their triumphant successes; nothing is off limits or taboo. It has been a true honor to witness and to be a part of.
And if you thought that is all there is I haven’t even got to the core of the container… the internal inquiry sparked by Sufey’s sweet songs, poignant prompts, and masterful musings awakened me to many mysterious parts of myself. Wisdom, knowing, and truth that had always been waiting there for me to unearth.
Reflecting on my roots I addressed family trauma that occurred within my lifetime to clear stagnant energy, especially in the throat chakra. Sinking into the sacral I realized I want to be a voluptuous woman, in all facets of my life, so I took the sensual juice of this existence into my hands. Blazing into the solar plexus I accepted the challenge to begin making $ how I dreamed I would… and so on through the chakras.
I have found more of my true self and my voice through the reflections of my sisters. I am more embodied as my true self through the thoughtful self investigation and specialized physical practices offered up by Sufey. I now carry myself with humbled pride. I speak more resonantly. I feel more deeply, and I see clearer than ever.
Thank you to all my sisters in the journey and especially to Sufey! You lead by living the example, as I do too, and I know that as I continue to show up as my authentic self my people will find me. This is just our beginning and I can not wait to see where we flow together. My heart overflows with gracious gratitude. Sending all of my love to you my dear sister Sufey and to all the wonderful women who are my forever friends. Sat Nam.
— Kate Inserra | New Jersey, USA

Nurture has profoundly deepened my awareness both internally and externally, it has allowed me to become the ultimate being in ecstatic motion - a sovereign creator. It has been such a joy and ride to deepen my understanding, & practices within our spinning energy wheels. It has been such an honor to be your student, to read & practice your explicit raw teachings is a gift truly from the universe. Your way of writing and expressing yourself resonates so deep within me, that I melt away from every sentence I’ve read throughout this course. It is almost as if I once was a player in your stories :)
I keep all this material like a deep pocket filled with healing and creativity close to my heart. On a daily basis I circle back to the material you’ve served to us and it instantly balances my whole being, it has become my ritual to do a nurture lesson once a day. Reminding me to soak in this wild earthly experience and enjoy the process. This work spirals and there is no end destination, I keep on peeling layers and layers, surprised at the depth this course has allowed me to experience within and without.
Thank you for being in service of humanity, to be so in tune with the purest form of source - I feel so honored to have been a part of this extraordinary piece of art that you’ve created, the universe is so lucky to have you explode with your magnificence.
— Yasmin Bergmann | Barcelona, Spain

Nurture has been an integral part of my healing journey. I never thought I would be able to get so much from an online course, but this has been a life-changing experience. The gift of time was one of the greatest components of this offering.
I loved being able to log-into a section of the course at any time of the day or night, whenever my schedule allowed, to find true peace and inspiration in every single chapter. Sufey has the most incredible way of honoring the soul of both herself and others through her work and teachings.
Every single recording, invitation, assignment or project was imbued with her own personal experiences and wisdom, which came forth with the utmost beauty and conviction through the words, sounds, and colors utilized through each chakra.
I look forward to so many more experiences with you Sufey, both in person and online, growing alongside one another in this magical dimension we call planet earth.
— Elsa Keefe | New York City, USA

During my time in érōs, I was led back to a relationship with God. I finally let go of a man who's not the one. I found appreciation for the masculine. I finally understand the role of wife.
All of my relationships with men have improved, including with my son. My relationships with women are starting to improve as well… I have been coded with a deep understanding of érōs.
I love Sufey’s energy, and the way she explains concepts. And her slides are GORGEOUS! I follow other feminine embodiment teachers but with Sufey I just have an immediate YES - because I just get what she says and the way she teaches, so for me there's nothing more I would want/ask for.
I loved listening to the other women's stories and questions and working through things live on the calls.
The most powerful thing for me has been SEEING (literally) devotion, eros, nervous system practice IN ACTION. The energy everyone brought not just what they were saying was powerful encoding. I loved it all!
— Abigail Lo | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nurture is a key to self-discovery. What I love about it is the mixture of journal prompts AND experiential exercises. Sufey has graced us with over 100 prompts by now. They are life-changing lessons for me, re-shaping me as a woman, mother, wife.
Chakras were woo-woo to me before, but I have a much deeper appreciation of the chakras now. Sufey's way of teaching is unique, I have never been a student to such style of teaching before. We learned through stories, through games and experiments, through meditations, through painting, dancing, and singing, through each other.
To go through this 7-month journey alongside hundreds of incredible women is one of the BEST aspects of this course. To share my joys, my sorrows, my failures and my fears in the intimate online sisterhood of Nurture, is truly medicine for me.
I recommend Nurture to anyone who simply resonates with Sufey. If you like Sufey on instagram, you are going to LOVE Nurture. :)
— Jackie Li | Singapore, Singapore

What I loved most about érōs is your authenticity and your ability to teach from a human level. I did not feel like you were on a pedestool and I am trying to climb. I felt for once, I got permission to just be me- with my mistakes, my emotions, my duality. I just loved that you were yourself and raw and real. That was everything to me.
I knew it was going to change my life and it did and it’s just the start. Thank you for the affordable price. I see so many coaches charge so much and barely give value. Thank you for your codes, wisdom, groundedness, teachings, shares, stories, and everything in between. I am so deeply grateful!! and excited!!!! Now I know why I was so pulled to you & this course.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel changed, yet feel so tender, raw, vulnerable, lost, sad, confused yet clear. This was life changing for me, its like I am finally looking at parts of me I have been avoiding & numbing.
— Alexandra Larouche | Ontario, Canada

The (hu)man container has literally changed my life. I feel my roots so much more grounded and stable than they ever have been. I am in awe of the miracles that have occurred in life over the time of the course.
I was crying on a call about not having support with my daughter and now she goes part time to a forest school that is everything I've ever dreamed of and more! I have numerous people I can reach out to for childcare and my partner has even been offering lately to watch her.
We are a blended family and we are feeling more connected than ever. My partner and I's relationship has completely transformed from arguments and toxicity to balanced and compassionate. We are still healing through some trauma patterns, but my response to them has completely changed and the safety I feel within myself even when they come up, blows my mind.
I found a job with a stable, consistent income and have bigger business opportunities coming in. I feel like a much more present and loving mother.
Sufey says (hu)man is a deep dive into the Root Chakra and this it absolutely is. My Root Chakra is deeply rooted and shining with joy. My heart and nervous system are so open to surrendering to the process of life because I finally feel safe. I can not say enough good things about this container. Make this investment in yourself, you will be screaming with gratitude that you did!
— Megan Hampton | Montana, USA

Nurture opened up a world of possibilities for me. It burst open every wound, fear, trauma, and pain that I had and allowed me to see myself for everything I was. It hurt. But it was beautiful.
I healed more in 7 months than I did in years. I starting to find myself and the most exciting part is that I reclaimed my feminine spirit. I no longer see her as weak. She is a force to be reckoned with, and I love her.
This had a domino effect on my life. I love harder, I work harder, I laugh endlessly, and sometimes I hurt. But it’s allowed me to blossom and grow a business that really helps others.
Every time I think of giving up, I go back to my lessons in nurture and think of how the earth supports me, the sun supports, and how all of my sisters are always there for me.
Speaking of sisters, while healing my sister and mother wound, I found my two best friends!! Although they aren’t in nurture, they would love it. I finally found my soul sisters after years and years of searching, and I couldn’t have done that without the incredible emotional work that Nurture guided me through. I’m forever thankful!
— Valeria Khodatov | Texas, USA

I have been joyfully participating in Nurture, Sufey's stunning offering: a seven month chakra masterclass that extends far beyond chakra study, diving deep into the seat of self in every sense. Each month brings intuitive prompts, somatic practices, and access to a rich tapestry of sisterhood woven by women in all walks of life, all over the world.
The practice is accessible. Easily digestible. Playful. Effortlessly integrated into my full days as wife / mama / budding business owner - it is potent work that fits your life, as it is a reflection of+from you.
Sufey has a gift for taking the essence of systems, ideas, and lived experience + distilling them down into potent practice. The lessons you are living click into place. It is a practice in sovereignty. In sitting with yourself + absolutely fucking loving her. Creating a life of embodied joy, power, pleasure, ease, and abundance.
— Nicole Parker | USA

(hu)man is truly life changing and life giving. I have never felt such deep important transmissions in any other class I ever took. I am so grateful for Sufey and the embodied wisdom she shares from her heart and from her own experience.
What I loved most was the in depth knowledge and rooted wisdom that I never experienced in any other container. There classes were beyond what I can put into words of what I wanted to learn and feel. Thank you for this extraordinary beautiful container that you created and keep sharing with us.
— Eva Deroost | Antwerp, Belgium

Nurture has served me in the most indescribable of ways, but that's what Sufey is... Indescribable.
Inside a safe container and under her guidance, I was able to express and reveal parts of myself that I thought had been buried forever.
Her grace, her guidance, her voice seeping into my ears on the meditations... all transported me to a place where it was safe to be my raw, authentic self.
Each part of myself that I have met in Nurture, I have met with love, compassion and forgiveness... Something I have struggled with in the past.
To be a part of Nurture during the most transformative and loneliest period of my life, gave me a space to grow and meet myself in safety.
I will be forever indebted to Sufey for creating this space and for sharing her nurturing gifts with the world.
— Biba Tanya | Portugal